
OpenHealth at Web Summit Rio 2024




As Rio de Janeiro prepares to host the second edition of the Web Summit from April 15-18, the city transcends its role as host to become the epicenter of debates that will shape the future of technology, innovation and, especially, of digital health.

Web Summit Rio, highlighted as a "World Cup of technology conferences" by Fortune and "the best technology conference on the planet" by Forbes, is a celebration of innovation where around 30 thousand people are expected daily, bringing together professionals, enthusiasts and visionaries to explore new directions and expand the social use of innovative tools.

In the inaugural edition of the event in 2023, the rise of artificial intelligence stood out as a central theme of discussions. In recent months, there has been a clear acceleration in the development of this technology by companies, driving a constant flow of innovations. At the same time, the increase in questions and debates about its implications has only intensified. This year, discussions will expand to cover everything from the practical implementation of AI to government regulatory initiatives and the impact of geopolitics on technological evolution.

With its own stand, OpenHealth Technologies will be present showing how AI-based solutions are impacting the healthcare sector, highlighting not only Rio but Brazil as a whole to dictate global trends instead of just following them.

We invite you to discover more about our innovative solutions by visiting our stand at Web Summit Rio.

We are waiting for you at Web Summit Rio – a meeting that promises not only to inspire but also to connect and transform.

#OpenHealthTechnologies #WebSummitRio #DigitalHealth #Innovation #HealthTechnology

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